Wednesday, August 10, 2011

#31DayReset Day 10: Do One Thing

This post is Day 10 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

After creating a life map yesterday, now it’s time to take some action on those goals! It’s nice to take time to be dreamy and in your head (and we will do even more of that in the upcoming days of the challenge), but for you to really get reconnected to your dreams, you will need to start putting some real stuff out there in the universe. Like right now.

Today, you will do one thing to move yourself closer to your ideal life. We will be embarking on some more in-depth action planning later this month, but today’s exercise is meant to begin building some initial momentum for your journey.

Today’s exercise is NOT related to your everyday to-do list. You are being asked to complete one task that is personally significant to you and your ideal life. This task should help you get started on a specific goal you’ve identified during the challenge, either from your life map or your personal mission statement. Your “one thing” should meet at least one of the following criteria:
  • Something you’ve been procrastinating on
  • Something that terrifies you
  • Something that inspires you 

Today I setup my business paypal account for my business and setup a business account at my bank

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