Friday, August 12, 2011

#31DayReset Day 12: Write a Letter to Your Lizard Brain

This post is Day 12 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

It’s now been almost two weeks since you started the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge. You probably started off with a bang, excited and ready to go. But like most participants, life got in the way and you may have fallen off after just a few days. Don’t beat yourself up about being “behind.” It’s normal at this point to have missed a day or two of the assignments.
You may be in the process of catching up with us from the last eleven days. That’s fine. You may even be one of our “silent participants.” That’s all good, too. Either way, I’m glad you’re here. Another possibility, however, is that you may actually struggling right now to push through the assignments and commit fully to the challenge.

If so, what you’re experiencing is called resistance. Also known as the lizard brain

What is the lizard brain?
In a nutshell, the lizard brain is what stops you in your tracks and keeps you from moving forward.

Dear Lizard Brain,

I’ve been noticing you popping up at certain points in this challenge and in my life. It seems like every time I want to do something for my own happiness and growth, you show up to tear me down.

So I see what you’re doing and I don’t like it. Yes, I know that you’re afraid of change. You’re afraid of what will happen if I succeed. But what you have to understand is that whatever happens in my life will work out for my good. I was put here on earth for a purpose and you are keeping me from fulfilling that potential.Well, until now, you have.I will no longer allow you to stop my progress in living my ideal life. 

So the next time I see you, I will simply give you a nod and go on about my business.It’s been nice knowing you, but now it’s time that we part ways.


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