Tuesday, August 16, 2011

#31DayReset Day 16: Redesign Your Day

This post is Day 16 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

Yesterday, you conducted an audit of your time. You were able to look at how you spend each hour of your day and see some patterns that could be modified or changed. Today, you’re going to experiment with the data you collected and redesign your day to make it more productive.

Today’s assignment is to outline a strategy to redesign your day to make more time for the things truly matter to you. You can present your redesign plan in a simple paragraph or a bullet point format. Your plan to redesign your day might include the following
  • Wake up earlier (or later)
  • Negotiate different working hours at your job
  • Eat a healthy breakfast in the morning
  • Schedule 30 minutes for exercise or just a walk around the neighborhood
  • Pack a lunch instead of spending time and money on eating out every day
  • Use your lunch break to take care of personal appointments, work on your business or blog, read a book or call to check on a loved one
  • Cut out activities that “kill time” i.e. mindlessly checking text messages, unproductive phone calls
  • Stop surfing the internet for long periods of time without a real purpose
  • Go to bed earlier (or later)
  • Schedule time for daily meditation or prayer
Since the majority of my day is at work I will--- > I will Use my lunch/ break to take care of personal appointments, work on my business and blog

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