Monday, August 29, 2011

#31DayReset Day 29: Start a Side Hustle

This post is Day 29 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

One of the biggest complaints that many people have is that they don’t make enough money to live their ideal life. Even if you have a good-paying job these days, it can still be tough to make ends meet or do stuff on your bucket list, especially if you have kids and/or student loans. So if you desire to earn more money in addition to the job you have now, today I encourage you to start a side hustle.

This assignment asks you to consider starting a side hustle to earn more money in addition to your 9 to 5. A side hustle is a job that you do on the side in addition to your full-time job. Whether you take on a second job, do hair in your basement, provide consulting services or bake cakes to sell at the farmer’s market on the weekend, a side hustle is when you provide products or services in order to make money on the side. Typically, you would take something you’re good at (or passionate about) and offer it to people who want it. That sweet spot of skill and demand is your side hustle, baby! Many people eventually start making enough money with their side hustle to make it their full-time gig.
A few synonyms for a side hustle:
  • Part-time job
  • Second job
  • Small business
  • Side business
  • Slash career
Examples of side hustles:
  • Consulting
  • Catering
  • Tutoring
  • Photography
  • Blogging
  • Public speaking
  • Babysitting
  • Avon/Mary Kay
  • Ebay seller
  • Crafting/jewelry
And the list goes on and on. What are some side hustle ideas you could try that align with your passion and personal mission statement?
As you work on this exercise, you may find it useful to read some of my recent posts on biz and entrepreneurship with a focus on starting a side hustle.

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