Saturday, August 6, 2011

#31DayReset Day 6: Write a Personal Mission Statement

This post is Day 6 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

Over the past few days, you’ve taken two important steps toward developing a personal mission statementidentifying your values and envisioning your values in action. For most people, it is truly an eye-opening process to write out your values for your life and then compare them to how you actually balance your priorities. Today, you will put the exercises from Day 4 and Day 5 together to complete your personal mission statement. But what, exactly, is a personal mission statement, anyway?

Personal development website Dumb Little Man offers this great definition:

Your personal mission statement should be a concise representation of what’s most important to you, what you desire to focus on, what you want to achieve, and, ultimately, who you want to become. In its purest form, it’s an approach to your life, one that allows you to identify a focus of energy, creativity, and vision in living a life in support of your inner-most beliefs and values. Also remember that your mission will change over time as you and your life change.

My Personal Statement

I value God, my family and friends happiness and my well being. I appreciate the simple things in life because those things truly make me happy, fashion, accomplishment, envisioning myself as a success. With my blog site I will impact the fashion world with my positive options and views. In my work and life, I will exude the respect, truth, equality that I expect in return. I will focus on the quote "act as if it were impossible to fail" knowing that with god all things are possible. Its up to me to stay focused and achieve whatever goal I set forth for myself. 


  1. Thank you so very much for this. You have no idea how much I needed to do this. I love everything you do. God bless you and continue success

  2. Thank You Monique, words can't express how much I appreciate you checking out my site. I'm glad this exercise helped you. I'm still on the journey myself. Thank You and God bless

  3. great personal statement!! I tell you something about the universe..I was thinking earlier about meeting some folks in Atlanta because i will be headed there for personal and business matters in Sept. and then I pick your blog to check out on life mapping!! gotta love it.

    keep living your passion!

    peace n blessings

  4. Raine Thank you so much, Please let me know if you visit Atlanta


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