Sunday, August 7, 2011

#31DayReset Day 7: Rest, Reflect and Comment

This post is Day 7 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the first week of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge. In case you missed it, I posted a handy Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your #31DayReset to ensure you are maximizing this experience. For most participants, it has been a productive and enlightening week. For others, it may have been a bit more difficult to keep up with the daily assignments. That’s why today is dedicated to giving you time to catch up and reflect on the past week’s exercises as well as to connect with others in the challenge.


  • What was the most important thing you learned about yourself this week? 
The most important thing I've learned about myself this week is I have alot of drive and ideas and I need to stay focused so I can accomplish them
  • What has been your favorite exercise so far? What did you like about it? 
My favorite exercise thus far is the Personal Love Letter, I don't focus on myself enough this exercise was a great way to set my goals in action.
  • Which exercise did you struggle with the most and why? 
I struggled a little with the personal mission statement, I had so much to say I didn't know how to position my feelings and thoughts.


  • Post a comment reply to at least one of the challenge participants from each of the past week’s assignments. You can either reply in the comments section itself or visit the links to blog posts that have been shared for each assignment.

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