Monday, August 8, 2011

#31DayReset Day 8: Keep a Gratitude Journal

This post is Day 8 of the 31 Days to Reset Your Life Challenge for 2011. Learn more and sign up for the program here.

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle or you can live as if everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein

Over the course of this month, you will be manifesting new habits and wonderful outcomes for your life. Sometimes though, we have to learn how to be grateful for what we have before the universe will give us more.

Today, you will keep a gratitude journal. Studies have shown that cultivating a sense of thankfulness in your everyday life is good for your mental health and emotional well-being.

Today’s exercise requires you to be very conscious and mindful of the blessings – big and small – that surround you. Throughout the day, write down everything that you’re grateful for. Your list should contain at least FIVE items. It may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions over the course of your day as “gratitude prompts”:

  • What am I thankful for in this moment?
  • What’s working for my good right now?
  • Today, I’m grateful for . . .

 Today, I'm Grateful for waking up with peace of mind and in good health, that my family awoke with the same blessing,  for a prosperous day at work,  being able to live in the new day and set new goals for myself

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